Samurai 2K USA Inc
Oct 13, 2022
World Cleanup Day 2022 –
How to Dispose of Spray Paint Cans
World Cleanup Day 2022 is here, encouraging everyone from all around the world to join in and clean-up.
World Cleanup Day means much more than just cleaning up the beaches, streets or the forests. It is taking a few steps further and starting the cleanup with our homes, our neighborhood streets, our immediate surrounding, and our workplaces and such.

If there aren’t any events near you, that’s okay! You can take the first step to cleanup disposables around you, and at your workplaces. Based on my experience, here working in an aerosol spray paint company, I can provide you guys with the best tips on how to dispose of aerosol cans the right way.
Recycling or disposing of aerosol cans is important because it differs if the can is empty or if it still has its paint inside. If it’s empty, then it is easy to dump it into the metal or steel waste bin. However, if the paint is still inside, then it could turn out to be a hazardous waste if disposed the wrong way.
If the cans are empty….
Dispose the cans into the right waste bin (metal or steel bin)
Drop them off at a local recycling center or have them pickup by a recycling service
Remember to not throw the aerosol cans on the road, dump them or try to dispose of them by burning. Although the cans may be empty, they still contain gas inside and are still pressurized. They will explode if handled the wrong way.
If the cans still contain product inside
Do not puncture the cans trying to get out the remaining paint, this is extremely hazardous and harmful.
Contact your local hazardous waste recycling center to check whether they would accept partially filled cans. Most of the time, they will because the recycling centers are professionals at disposing aerosol cans.
You can also reach out to a state or national hazardous waste facility center.
Disposing of aerosol cans is one of the most important safety measures, which is often overlooked. If aerosol cans are thrown into open areas such as landfills, the components in the can will explode during a fire or break under exposure of extreme heat. This will not only harm the landfill workers, but also the animals and nature.
It’s okay if you can’t join any nearby World Cleanup Day event, just star to cleanup, recycling and disposing the trash around you. It’s just as important to care for our Earth by reducing waste, keeping our environment a clean and safe place for all beings of the planet. Get your cleaning tools ready!