T’was the month before Christmas, and all through the warehouse, everyone was stirring, to get spray paint for their house.There was the marketing team who had ornaments to spray, and our Samurai mascot, Harold, who was having a bad hair day.When all of a sudden, Harold’s stomach started to rumble, and he said, “team let’s go get some crumble.”So out with a dash, and into the car, the team was so hungry, they didn’t go far.As the team munched on nachos with cheese, and Bavarian pretzels, yummy, yes please! Harold had an idea, he believed. “Team go find some stuff at home that you know you no longer need.”So out of the restaurant the team ran, to get to their homes, to hopefully upcycle and sell their extra garden gnomes.Back at the warehouse the team did appear, to spray paint all of stuff they accumulated this year.They picked-up some spray paint, reds, greens, and blues. There was even some that took Metallic Gold too.Watching them spray paint, Harold’s wondering eyes did appear, and he said, “Let’s use all of this stuff as tree ornaments this year.”And with a laugh and cry of delight the marketing team sprayed with all of their might.Then Harold took the tree to the Festival of Lights.“Come join us,” Harold said as the tree shone in the night. “Come see Samurai’s tree, spray painted bright.”Samurai Paint is proud to be a part of the Red Mill Museum’s Village Festival of Trees, an annual fundraiser for the Red Mill Museum Village. The festival runs from Friday, Saturday & Sunday NOVEMBER 25 – 27, 10am-6pm; Saturdays & Sundays DECEMBER 3 – 18 12-6pm.